News & Insights - Boodle Hatfield

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News & Insights

Our team of experts shine a spotlight on new legal developments, share their views on the impact of current affairs, and offer insights on issues that could impact you and your business.

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19 Jun 2020 Dill in the Supreme Court: Greater clarity for owners of listed assets

Last month, an important judgment by the Supreme Court clarified the definition “building” for the purposes of the listed buildings regime.

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26 Jun 2020 Lawyers at Boodle Hatfield share their journey from trainee to partnership

Once you have chosen to pursue a career in law, shortlisting which firms you would like to train with is one of the most critical decisions.

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24 Jun 2020 What’s Next? Changes to the furlough scheme and practical considerations for returning to work

The CJRS (commonly known as the “furlough scheme”) will end on 31 October 2020.

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02 Jun 2020 How can divorcing parties speed up property sales during COVID-19?

It is said that the housing market is driven by divorce, death and destitution.

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01 Jun 2020 We paid a 10% deposit to buy a new-build flat but now we’re worried about house prices and our finances, will we lose the money if we pull out?

This is Money question…

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29 May 2020 Big business faces restrictions on dividends and bonus payments

The government has increased the maximum amount that a UK business can borrow.

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27 May 2020 OPG guidance on being a deputy or attorney during the coronavirus outbreak

Recently issued guidance on how deputies and attorneys can carry out their duties.

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26 May 2020 UK’s Top 30 hotel companies have debts 44% higher than during credit crunch

The UK’s top 30 hotel groups have debt levels 44% higher than they had during the credit crunch.

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26 May 2020 State Aid for Start-ups: UK government launches Future Fund

On 18 May 2020, the government launched its £250 million ‘Future Fund’.

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20 May 2020 Hospitality on hold – tips for hotel owners

On the evening of Monday 23rd March, in an unprecedented move for the British government, Boris Johnson put the country into lockdown.

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15 May 2020 What are the specific issues to consider when taking a lease of railway arch space?

In the last few years’ railway arch spaces across London have gone from being undesirable spaces to…

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15 May 2020 Hotels: Looking forward to the lifting of lockdown

You might also like to think ahead as to how you might best mitigate against the issues that you will face when you re-open.

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15 May 2020 If you have a leasehold interest in your hotel (rather than a freehold interest), are you complying with the terms of your lease?

Perhaps your biggest concern is whether you can continue to pay your rent.

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15 May 2020 If you have taken out a loan are you complying with the terms of your facility agreement and any related security or other finance documents?

Without an income stream you might be struggling to make your loan payments.

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15 May 2020 Hotels: Is there anything else that you can do which might help your cash flow?

Do you have any corporate accounts? Are these corporate accounts in arrears?

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15 May 2020 What is the position in relation to employees?

You may have already chosen to furlough those employees whose services are not required during the period of forced closure.

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15 May 2020 What about insurance, cancellations and directors’ liability?

Have you thought about whether you are still complying with the terms of your insurance policy?

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12 May 2020 Supreme Court upholds decision on absolute covenants

Duval v 11-13 Randolph Crescent Ltd [2020] UKSC 18. The Supreme Court has unanimously upheld the Court of Appeal decision

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04 May 2020 Further temporary legislation in force in relation to CRAR

Following the Government’s announcement that they would introduce further legislation to restrict commercial landlords…

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28 Apr 2020 Government announces 100% guarantee of loans up to £50,000 under the Coronavirus Business Interruption Loan Scheme

On 27 April the government announced that it will provide a 100% guarantee…