The Wealth Chat: What does good succession planning look like in practice?
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Private Wealth Partner, Clare Stirzaker is welcomed onto 'The Wealth Chat' podcast – a series hosted by SG Kleinwort Hambros looking at the importance of having a succession plan for family wealth to facilitate a smooth transition to future generations and avoid some of the pitfalls.
In the series, host, Jonathan Speck, Senior Partner at Mourant in Jersey is joined by Jonathan Needham, Head of Trust and Succession Planning for SGPB, Simon Kleis, Head of Private Client Trust for SG Kleinwort Hambros, Clare Stirzaker, Partner at Boodle Hatfield and Nicholas Jacob, Partner at Forsters to discuss what does good planning actually look like in practice? There’s a lot to think about when you sit down and try to analyse what’s involved in really good succession planning. It is important to set purpose and values, to ensure that what you’ve created has positive impact for future generations. So you need to have a plan, but it’s no good if it’s ours, It’s got to be yours.
Listen to the episode below, or via Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts or Spotify.
Find out more about SG Kleinwort Hambros and The Wealth Chat Podcast here.